Engineering drawing PDF & titleblock & index generator

Merge, add text, pictures and custom titleblock to PDF engineering drawing, and generate index.

--by Captdam @ Sep 20, 2024

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I am doing some mechanical design in my work and one of my duties is to create mechanical drawings for fabrication. I have been using SoldWorks and Fusion to create the drawings, they did a great job to design and render the models on drawing; however, they have limitations on creating titleblock.

The first CAD tool I used at work is SolidWorks. When creating a drawing package, I start by selecting a template file that contains the titleblock I need, followed by inserting assemblies and parts. SolidWorks provides some attributes that I can insert into the titleblock on each page, such as page number, page count, author. However, it has limitations:

Later, the company switched to Fusion to reduce cost. It has a worse drawing editior, on addition of the limitation I had with SolidWorks, in Fusion:

A drawing on paper

First attempt

After some searches about how to make the titleblock in Solidworks and in Fusion, I chose to stop investing in ways to make titleblock in these CADs; instead, I decided to write a program to help me making the titleblock myself.

I found a JS library PDF-Lib that allows me to manipulate PDF files. I can make a web app base on this lib that gives me benifits:

I will let the CADs export drawings without any titleblock (or only with limited information such as scale); then I will use the this program add titleblock and attributes to generate the final drawing packages.

My first program performs the following tasks:

  1. Import drawing PDF, two images for company logo and customer logo, and a CSV index file.
  2. For each page in the drawing PDF. First, use predefined rules (a set of SVG calls) to draw the titleblock template and logos. Then, extract attributes from the index file such as project name, part name, modify data, author. This information will be placed at a predefined location. In the end, insert an auto increment page number.
  3. Prepend a blank page, add titleblock template, logos and attributes. Then, add the project name and generate an index using predefined rules.

Following example shows a source drawing, the index file and the final drawing:

Drawing PDF without titleblock
Drawing PDF without titleblock
Index file
Index file
Result PDF with titleblock and index page
Result PDF with titleblock and index page

Second attempt

The first attempt works fine, but I cannot say it is an elegant solution. It has lots of limitations, the process is complex, the code is ugly. It hasn't solved some problems.

My second attempt is not only to add more flexibility, but also deal with some problems with Fusion.

In Solidworks, drawing is independent from a part or an assembly. I start from creating a blank drawing, then insert parts or assemblies into the drawing. In Fusion, drawing is linked to a top assembly or a part. I have to start from an assembly or a part when creating a drawing, then, I select subassemblies or parts to insert into that drawing. This lead to a few new problems when creating drawing in Fusion:

Fusion actually inserts the entire assembly and hides the other parts or subassemblies
Fusion actually inserts the entire assembly and hides the other parts or subassemblies

Therefore, it is favored to be able to create small drawings for a specific part or subassembly. Then, combine the small drawings to generate a drawing package.

The new program still uses one CSV index file to construct the drawing package, but will be able to support multiple PDF drawings and multiple PNG and JPEG images.

Simplicity favors regularity. The new program removes the idea of attributes and titleblock. Instead of extracting attributes from the index file and putting them to a predefined location, the index file specifies the location, the size and the content of text or image. Instead of one hardcoded titleblock, the index file inserts a PNG file with an alpha channel containing the lines and text of titleblock template.

In fact, the new program becomes a general PDF combination and text / image inserting tool.

We used to define a set of rules for attributes in the drawing; but now the index file defines their location. We may complain and ask:

Index file format

Each row of the index file represents a page.


The first element of each row is the page type. It can be a specific page from a drawing file, or a blank page with specific size.


If the first field is “@BLANK”, this program will create a blank page and use the next two parameters as the dimension (in inch) of the blank page. The example will create a page 17 inches wide and 11 inches high (Tabloid, landscape).


Otherwise, it copies a specific page from a specific PDF file. The first two parameters of the row are used to define the source PDF filename and page number (page starts at 1). The third parameter indicates rotation of the PDF page in degree. The above example copies the 5th page from the PDF file “a.pdf”, and rotates it by 90 degrees.

Note: The rotate only sets the view orientation of that page, it doesn’t modify that page at all.

Following can be one or more elements. Elements can be:

Note: Origin is at lower-left corner (before rotation).


Starting with the text symbol ‘T’ means Text. Following are parameters for x-y position, text height, line height (all in inches), RGBA color (0.0 to 1.0), rotation (in degrees) and the text to write. “\n” in text will make a new line.

T,x,y,h,lh,r,g,b,a,rotate,'text\nand new line'
T,1,3,0.1,0.15,1,0,0,0.5,20,Some text

The above example will place a string of “Some text” at position (x = 1, y = 3). The text will be 0.1 inch height , and line height will be 0.15 inch. The color will be half transparent red.


Starting with the text symbol ‘P’ means Picture. Following are parameters for x-y position, picture width and height (all in inches), rotation (in degrees) and the filename of the picture. Both PNG and JPEG are supported. Furthermore, PNG can be used to insert pictures with a transparent background.


The above example will insert the picture “icon.png” at (x = 9, y = 5). The size of this picture will be 4 inches wide and 2 inches high, rotated by 45 degrees.


Starting with the text symbol ‘I’ means Index. Following parameters follow the same syntax as the Text except the tailing few are used to reference to fields to be indexed. ref_col indicates which column (left-most column is 1, empty columns are counted) of the index file to be copied into the index. ref_rowStart indicates the first row (first row in index file is 1) to be included into the index and ref_rowLen indicates how many rows to be indexed.


The above example will place the index at (x = 1, y = 10) using 0.1-in high text and 0.15-in line height in solid black. The index will use the 5th column of the index file, starts from 2nd row and for 20 rows.


Starting with the text symbol ‘X’ means dummy. This special notation allows us to include stuff in the index file but not display them in the final drawing, such as for comment.

X,TODO: update in next reversion

The above example shows a use case where we can leave a notation in the index file.

Empty space in index file

Empty fields are ignored to help align elements in the CSV editor (so you can drag numbers in spreadsheet softwares). Following two are equivalent:

@BLANK,17,11,T,1,3,0.1,0.15,1,0,0,0.5,20,Some text,,,T,1,3,0.1,0.15,1,0,0,0.5,20,More text
@BLANK,17,11,,,T,1,3,0.1,0.15,1,0,0,0.5,,,,20,Some text,T,1,3,0.1,0.15,1,0,0,0.5,20,More text


Following example contains a drawing package of an index page, two PDF drawings, a scan reference document in PNG and a product photo in JPEG. To simplify this demo, we will use a minified titleblock instead of standard titleblock.

Source files

Index file
Index file - Raw in CSV here: example.csv
Drawing 1
Drawing 1 - Raw in PDF here: 1.pdf
Drawing 2
Drawing 2 - Raw in PDF here: 2.pdf
Titleblock template
Titleblock template - Raw in PNG here: tb.png
Reference document
Reference document - Raw in PNG here: r1.png
Product photo
Product photo - Raw in JPEG here: photo.jpg

The index

We would like to make the first page to be the index page of the drawing package with titleblock. There is what we do:

  1. Create a blank 17x11-inch page.

  2. Insert titleblock as a PNG image the same size as the page with transparent background at origin (0,0). Therefore, the titleblock image will cover the entire page.

  3. Place project name, page title, page number, total page count, author name and reversion number on the page at the specific locations.

    T,13,1.05,0.25,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,Naval Gun Model	// Project name
    T,13,0.6,0.25,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,Index		// Page title
    T,16,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,0			// Page number
    T,16.4,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,/ 6		// Page count
    T,13,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,Captdam		// Author
    T,15.2,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,1		// Reversion
  4. Place the project name at top of the page using a large font size. Place index title.

    T,1,10,0.35,0.4,0,0,0,1,0,Naval Gun Model
  5. Lookup fields in this index file and place them onto the page. In this example, we have two fields to be indexed. The first field is the 33th column of the index file, which is the page title; the second field is the 44th column of the index file, which is the page number. We will start the index from the 2nd row (we don’t need to include the index page in our index), and we will index 6 rows.


For the second and third page, we would like to include two pages from our first PDF file “1.pdf”. Furthermore, for the 5th and 6th page, we would like to include two pages from another PDF file “2.pdf”. So, we do:

  1. Include a PDF file and specify the page number and rotation. In the example, we select the 1st page from “1.pdf”, no rotation.

  2. Insert title block and place all the necessary text fields, same as step 2 to 4 of the index page.

    P,0,0,17,11,0,tb.png				// Titleblack
    T,13,1.05,0.25,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,Naval Gun Model	// Project name
    T,13,0.6,0.25,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,Side plates		// Page title
    T,16,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,A1			// Page number
    T,16.4,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,/ 6		// Page count
    T,13,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,Captdam		// Author
    T,15.2,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,0		// Reversion

For the 4th page, we would like to include a scan of reference drawing “r1.png”. Since this drawing has its own titleblock, we shouldn’t draw our own titleblock on top of it. So, we do:

  1. Create a blank 17x11-inch page.

  2. Although we don’t draw the titleblock and insert all the necessary text fields, we need these text fields to generate the index. We use the “X” notation to indicate dummy fields. In this way, these text fields won’t be inserted into the page but will still be read by the indexer.

    X,Naval Gun Model	// Project name
    X,Model reference	// Page title
    X,A3			// Page number
    X,/ 6			// Page count
    X,Joe Doe		// Author
    X,As-is			// Reversion
  3. Insert the picture “r1.png” the same size as the page at origin (0,0), so, the scanned reference document will cover the entire page.

  4. Place a semi-transparent red text with some degrees of rotation on the page to indicate “Reference Design”.

    T,4.5,4,1,1.5,1,0,0,0.5,20,REFERENCE DESIGN

For the last page, we would like to have a photo of the product. We also want titleblock for this page. We can do:

  1. Create a blank 17x11-inch page.

  2. Insert title block and place all the necessary text fields, same as step 2 to 4 of the index page.

    P,0,0,17,11,0,tb.png				// Titleblack
    T,13,1.05,0.25,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,Naval Gun Model	// Project name
    T,13,0.6,0.25,0.3,0,0,0,1,0,Product photo	// Page title
    T,16,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,C1			// Page number
    T,16.4,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,/ 6		// Page count
    T,13,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,Captdam		// Author
    T,15.2,0.23,0.16,0.2,0,0,0,1,0,0		// Reversion
  3. Insert the photo “photo.jpg” at an appropriate place and size.


Final result

Following is the result PDF:

Result PDF
Result PDF - Raw in PDF here: result.pdf