
Embedded system: Circuit, MCU, and PCB


Computer project: High-level programming

Embedded System

Embedded system combines circuit hardware and micro-controller (MCU) program software.

Building embedded systems is one of my hobbies. Most of my projects are based on 8-bit MCUs (such as AVR and the legacy MCS-51), a variety of digital and analog actuators and sensors, interconnected by digital buses.

My projects contains multiple phases. Starts from selecting MCU, sensor and actuator modle, studying manual; to circuit design, programming and breadboard test; and PCB design and fabrication, soldering, commissioning.

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Computer System

Computer is not only a tool for working or gamming, but also a tool to solve daily problems.

I write computer softwares to solve different problems, including for work and for myself. My developments include web server and client applications, PC softwares and GPU programs.

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